Monday, February 25, 2013

Mobile Health - Smart Phones to Help You Get Healthy!

Smartphones can not only take photos and play your favorite
tunes, they can help you manage your health through
a variety of free and low-cost apps.
Here’s how:



·        EAT  RIGHT.  Setting goals, recording your food intake soon after meals, and monitoring your progress will help stay on track.

·        QUIT SMOKING.  There are several websites that provide support and tips for kicking the habit.

·        BOOST YOUR FITNESS.  You can measure and record your heart rate, steps per day or calories burned, as well as create a custom workout with exercise and stretching routines.

·        MANAGE DIABETES, HYPERTENSION OR OTHER CONDITIONS. Individuals using apps for diabetes have been able to improve their blood sugar control. You can even use your phone with an optional cuff to measure and track your blood pressure.

·        EDUCATE YOURSELF. Whether you want to learn about medications, illnesses or first-aid techniques, apps can help you locate the information quickly

·        REDUCE STRESS AND IMPROVE SLEEP.  There are programs that teach you deep breathing, and others that provide relaxing background music and sounds to promote sleep.